I'm well aware of what isn't possible due to the current lockdown restrictions. I can’t go to New York as was my previous plan. Turning that on it’s head, I more positively decided, what I can do. It's actually, quite a lot, and counting my blessings.
Im concentrating on product. I’ve given myself a new project beginning with a coat design, and supporting it with artwork that is related to its construction. Measurements are my work language, and charting its journey.
I'm keeping an artist's diary.
My work has been 100% relationship built and not based on distance of digital. Who is to say that is not changing, and fast.
It’s not the future for my usual personalised bespoke work model, but already the big players, ie galleries have switched to a Viewing Room facility. It’s proving that even very expensive art does sell remotely.
The lockdown limitations, which have closed traditional doors to big and small player alike, should give the micro business a measure of optimism about keeping trying every avenue out there, to get to the customer, if not sooner, then later. Giving up is not one of them.
What else have I got to offer, at a more local level?
I have an extensive archive of fabric and anyone looking to source any type or require advice in that regard, can contact me directly. Whether its for a wedding dress, a wool skirt or any garment in fact.
I stock interlinings, linings, zips and buttons.
I have button covering equipment.
I can advise on patterns/pattern making.
I should be able to answer most garment making , and technical questions.
For the time being, you may treat my offering as a Highlands and Islands Sewing Bee Club!
You wont be paying for advice, but I can cost any other product you wish to purchase.
Keep Calm and Carry on
Le Durachd